Intellectual Property

We work together with our clients to determine the most effective means of acquiring, exploiting, protecting and increasing their intangible assets (trademarks, patents, designs and models, copyrights, databases, know-how, domain names, etc.).


The legal assistance we provide may have as object:

– Drafting legal opinions regarding the interpretation and application of intellectual property media and advertising law;

– Registration and / or transfer of trademarks with the State Office for Inventions and Trademarks

– Drafting and revising contracts for the transfer of copyright and trademark rights through cession or license;

– Legal assistance and representation in the preparation of indictments against trademarks registration;

– Legal assistance and representation concerning the registration within the Romanian Office for Copyright (ORDA) and its National Registries;

– Legal assistance and representation in litigation targeting the right to one’s own image and private life;

– Legal assistance and representation before authorities and courts of law în disputes concerning  intellectual property rights, such as:

  • claims for disqualification of a trademark right;
  • trademark cancellation claims;
  • unfair competition litigation;
  • counterfeit litigation;
  • claims for copyright recognition;
  • claims in copyright recovery;
  • disputes about domain names;
  • claims resulting from failure to transfer copyrights or the right to use copyrights.