New regulations on gambling

1. Decision no. 644 of August 21, 2013 for completing Government Decision no. 298/2013 regarding the organization and functioning of the National Gambling Office and amending the Government Decision no. 870/2009 approving the Methodological Norms for the application of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 77/2009 regarding the organization and operation of gambling

In the Official Gazette no. 545 of 28 August 2013 it has been published the Decision no. 644 for completing the Government Decision no. 298/2013 regarding the organization and functioning of the National Gambling Office and amending the Government Decision no. 870/2009 approving the Methodological Norms for the application of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 77/2009 regarding the organization and operation of gaming by the government.

The novelty is to include legislative and regulate the poker club in the gambling category.

In connection therewith, Decision no. 644 of August 21, 2013 for completing the Government Decision no. 298/2013 establishes rules for granting authorization to operate poker clubs, requirements to be met in connection with space, conditions on companies that organize these games and rules for organizing poker tournaments.

2. Government Emergency Ordinance no. 82 of 27 August 2013 amending Law no. 188/1999 on the Statute of Civil Servants

In the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, no. 549 of 29 August 2013 it has been published the Government Ordinance no. 82/2013 amending Law no. 188/1999 on the Statute of civil servants, issued by the government.

The amendments relate to the redistribution of public servants who employment contract have been treminated for reasons beyond their fault. According to the ordinance, the redistribution will be made by the National Agency of Civil Servants within 10 days based on the actual needs of different institutions, manifested by the leaders agreement to receive by redistribution civil servants who have been subject to restructuring measures.

The National Agency of Civil Servants may delegate authorities or public institutions, under the law, the power to organize recruitment competitions for public office management general and specific.